One of the hardest jobs that a loan broker has is "matchmaking" their client's loan request with the right funding source. Additionally, one of the biggest setbacks to closing loans quickly is having a lender decline a loan, requiring that the process begin again with somoene new. With these two challenges in mind, you can see how vitally important it is for the broker to understand the client's loan scenario, as well as potential lender's guidelines for approval as early as possible in the process.
Loans That Match Lender Guidelines = Faster Closings!
Organization: The Key to Closing Commercial Real Estate Loans Faster!
Closing loans quickly can often seem like an unreachable goal. However, there are some tips and tricks to keep the wheels of the loan machine turning and churning in the right direction, with an end goal of faster closing for your client's loans. They all center around the basic idea of:
Alternative real estate investing is an elusive asset class. Identifying, originating and underwriting real estate investments takes time and experience.
Direct Investing in Alternative Real Estate Assets
Traditional brokers and financial advisors rarely direct their clients to these types of assets primarily because their firm cannot custody the investments and as a result, they lose the capital and cannot charge fees on the assets. It’s unfortunate, but true. Some advisors, in an attempt at altruism will direct their clients to such investments in a holistic attempt to balance out a portfolio. Our experience has proven that alternative real estate investments should be a significant part of any balance portfolio.